The text of the paper shall not be longer than 10 pages, in order for it to be published in the conference volume.
After the Symposium addresses, the texts shall be handed out to the Symposium Secretary, both on a CD and in print.
The texts that do not follow the following guidelines will not be published.

You must follow the current Romanian orthography rules.

You must use the Times New Roman font (the authors will put on the CD all of the other fonts they might use – for phonetical transcription, Greek or Cyrillic fonts, etc.).


I. Format: Word Academic B5 (JIS) file, page mirror 1 inch.
Title: size 14, centre, bold, small letters (with the usual exceptions: initial, proper nouns etc.), line spacing single; you must leave three spaces of 14 before the title.
The author’s/authors’ name(s): size 12, right alignment, first names lowercased (except for the first letter), surnames in CAPS LOCK.
Moto (if you choose to have one): size 10, right alignment, quotation marks; the source shall be enclosed in parentheses.
The body text: size 12, indentation 0.4 inches; line spacing: single.
Chapter titles (and numbers): size 12, bold; indentation 0.4 inches; Spacing: Paragraph, Before 12 pt., After 6 pt.
Footnotes: size 10; indentation 0.2 inches.
a) titles: size 12, bold, centre; Spacing: Paragraph, Before 12 pt., After 12 pt.;
b) references: size 10, indent Hanging at 0.4 inches.
a) title: size 12, bold, centre; Spacing: Paragraph, Before 12 pt., After 12 pt.;
b) text: size 10, indentation 0.4 inches.


II. Typographic characters
Capital letters will be used only according to the standard orthographic rules of the language in which the paper is written.
Italic letters will be used exclusively in these commonly approved cases:
a) to indicate the fact that a word or a syntagm is an example;
b) to write the titles of the cited books and articles, in the body text, footnotes, or bibliography;
c) to emphasize a concept, a technical term or, less often, a short definition.
Bold letters will be used exclusively for titles and subtitles.
Small caps will be used exclusively for the initials of the most frequently used sources.
Underline will not be used in any circumstance.
In titles of articles or titles in the bibliography, in subtitles and citations, Italic in Italic = Bold Italic.


III. Paragraphs
New paragraphs will begin parsimoniously, only when they are truly necessary, which means, on average, at approximatively every 1200 signs, for compact texts.


IV. Bibliography and reference system
It is mandatory for every article or study to have a Bibliography, which consists of the cited (or consulted) papers, in alphabetical order of the authors’ names.
The bibliography at the end of the study will be arranged according to the following order: surname, year of publication, colons, first name, surname, the title in Italics, volume (where this applies, abbreviated in the form “vol.” and followed by the number of the volume, written in Latin characters), translator, editor etc. (where this applies), place of publication, publishing house, pages (where this applies); every entry ends with a full stop.
In the case of journals: surname, year, colons, first name, surname, the title of the article in Italics, the title of the journal enclosed in quotation marks (not Bold or Italic), year of publication, issue, pages (where this applies); every entry ends with a full stop.
Special cases:
– if an author is referenced with several papers published in the same year, these entries will be distinguished by adding to the year the letters a, b, c, according to the alphabetical order of the titles.
When called for by the specific of the paper, the bibliography can have two distinct chapters, as follows:
A. Main sources and papers
B. Secondary sources.


V. Footnotes
Footnotes will be numbered, starting at 1, and they will enter automatically, by selecting from the Insert – Reference menu the Footnotes option. The footnotes usually include more ample information (quotes, explanations etc.), while simple, purely bibliographical references will be included in the body text. There will be no full stop after the number of the footnote, but the text of every footnote will end with a full stop.
In the body text, at the end of the citation, the order is: “…”32. The footnote sign precedes punctuation marks (full stop, comma etc.), and if the sentence ends immediately after the citation, the full stop is placed after the quotation mark.


VI. Quotes
Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks (and not italicized), as follows:
„xxx” for Romanian;
“xxx” for English;
« xxx » for French, according to the language in which the article is written.
There are three types of quotation marks: „xxx”, « xxx », ‘xxx’. Quotes in quotes will be marked as follows: „xxx xx xx «xxx xxx ،xxx’» xxx” or „«xxx» xxx”.
If a quote is longer than 2 lines, it will be a freestanding block of text, in a separate paragraph, font size 11, without quotation marks, without Italics, paragraph at 0.4 inches and additional indentation at 0.4 inches, Spacing Before 6 pt., After 6 pt.
The missing text of a quotation will be marked by suspension points enclosed in straight parentheses: […].


VII. Abbreviations
It is preferable to avoid abbreviations, except for the ones that are currently and universally acknowledged. When necessary, they will be used according to the established rules: adj., n., etc.
Proper nouns will not be abbreviated.
Most commonly used abbreviations:
s.v. (= sub verbo, used when quoting dictionaries)
p. 5 sq. (= and the following page), sqq. (= and the following pages).


VIII. Verses
If you quote verses, they will be written as a succession, distinguishing between the verses with a slash (/); it will be placed immediately after the previous verse and have a space mark between it and the following verse. The end of a stanza will be marked with two slash signs.


IX. Schemes and tables
Schemes, tables, scanned images (maps, pictures etc.) will be included in the Word document. They will be separated from the body text of the article by using the option Insert – Sections Break – Continuous. The same rules apply to the scanned images (maps, pictures etc.) the author inserts in the body text.


X. Abstract
At the end of the paper, there will be an abstract of at least 20 lines, written in English (the title of the article must also be translated in English), and at the beginning of the article there will be several keywords in English.